Two Lazy Seven Rope Halter with patented closure

Item 17 of 36
€ 18,95 (including VAT)

TLS rope halter in different sizes and colors with a patented, very easy closure!


In Natural Horsemanship they don't use classic bridles. Bitless, but also much lighter and made of different materials. After learning to listen to our horses, how to saddle them up and take them outside, we now take a closer look at the materials that Natural Horsemanship uses. halter 500 A rope halter is completely knotted from rope, without iron elements. “Such a rope halter is suitable for ground work as well as for riding,” Steve explains to us. “Because it consists only of rope, it is much lighter to carry. It works behind the ears, on the nose and the rope we use is six to eight millimeters thick,” which is much thinner than a stable halter and is very comfortable to wear for a horse. Of course, if you apply pressure, it is much less comfortable. That is why you get an answer from your horse much faster.” Compared to a rope halter, a stable halter exerts pressure on a larger surface, which slows down communication. “And then you often see horses that go against it,” says Steve. “In my courses I regularly have horses that do not want to walk forward. If you then change to a rope halter, they release the pressure much faster. Due to the flexibility and the thinner rope, your horse will feel the aids much better. But that also means you have to be more careful!”

halster 500

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