- Trainings headstall Ranchhand Browband double buckle
Single-ply 12 oz plus harness leather with double adjust stainless steel buckles. Heavy oil with tie checks. Buckle holes are oval for easy adjustment.
Made in the USA.€ 89,00 - Headstall Browband and rawhide€ 59,90
- Trainings headstall Ranchhand Browband single buckle
Single-ply 12 oz plus harness leather with single adjust stainless steel buckles. Heavy oil with tie checks. Buckle holes are oval for easy adjustment.
Made in the USA.€ 69,00 - Showheadstall Tioga€ 190,00
- Showheadstall Cincinnati€ 209,00
- Trainingsheadstall SR
This oiled leather browband headstall is 5/8 of an inch. It has a single brass buckle, single cheek adjustment, and bit tie ends. This is a straight cheek browband headstall.
Hand made in USA.€ 59,00 - Black Showheadstall Front Concho€ 140,00
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